



乱马1/2 哈哈~男女通吃!!


北斗神拳,身上有七个伤疤的男人..."你已经死了.." 原来是个爱情故事,寒一个,女主角好漂亮的说~大心~^^可惜后来仿佛坠楼身亡了

大白鲸 ,小时候最喜欢看嘀



巴巴爸爸 这就是巴巴爸爸,巴巴妈妈,巴巴租,巴巴拉拉,巴巴立包,巴巴包,巴巴贝尔,巴巴布莱特,巴巴布拉包,听明白了吗,再说一遍... 可里可里可里可里,巴巴变



Ink Wash (水墨) An almost runned off Chinese animation technique. Naturally painted backgrounds and characters in forms of Chinese Painting without outlines, it gives the animation the quality suggestive of poetic aetheticism. | Puppet Animation / Claymation (木偶) Shot in stop motion, puppets are made in either wood or cloth, some even feature porcelain and/or bamboo. Puppets' limbs are hinged with silver strings or motivated joints; in order to capture different emotions, puppets' heads are normally switched. | Shadow Play / Paper Cut (剪纸) Usually depicted in profile, paper cut characters adopted a lot from the Chinese folk art, paper-cut window decoration and Shadow Play, a type of theater performance by trifling with leather made figures. Also shot in stop motion, most animated figures are paper puppets with hinged limbs | Cel Animation (塞露露) The most common type of animation techniques. | 
From Deer Ring, 1982 (fine art, folklore) | 
From A Fan Ti, 1979-1988 (tribal stories, fable) | 
From Fire Kid, 1984 (tribal legend) | 
From Monkey King Disturbs the Heaven, 1961、1964 (historical literature) | 
From Mountains and Waters Sentiment, 1988 (fine art, experimental) | 
From When a Fool Buys Shoes, 1979 (fabal, educational) | 
From Mr. NanGuo, 1981 (fabal) | 
From The Immortal Deer King, 1981 (legend) | 
From Dispute between the Snipe and the Clam, 1983 (fabal, educational) | 
From Deer and Cattle, 1990 (fabal, educational) | 
From The Golden Conch, 1963 (folklore) | 
From Nezha Stirs up the Sea. 1959 (historical literature |
图片 | 介绍(按字母先后顺序排列)In Alphabetical order |
 | Adventure of Pinoccio, The, 1972 (匹诺曹历险记, ピコリーノの冒険), TV 52 Episodes Original story : Tatsuo Yoshida Animation : Tatsunoko Production : Tatsunoko Broadcaster : Fuji TV
 | A Journey Through Fairyland, 1985 (梦幻曲, 妖精フローレンス), Movie 92 Minutes 原著 (Original Work): Shintaro Tsuji 导演 (Director): 波多正美 (Masami Hata) 制作 ( Production): Sanrio |
 | Astro Boy, 1980 (铁臂阿童木, 鉄腕アトム), TV 52 Episodes Original Story: 手塚治虫 (Tezuka Osamu) Director: Ishiguro Noboru Production: Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / Mushi Production Broadcast: via the Nippon Television network |
 | Goku's Great Adventures, 1967 (悟空大冒险, 悟空の大冒険), TV 39 Episodes 原著 (Original Creator) : 手琢治虫 (Tezuka Osamu) 制作 (Production): Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / Mushi Production 首播: Broadcast via Fuji TV network |
 | Burning Wild Man, The, 1988 (森林好小子, 燃える!お兄さん), TV 24 Episodes 原著(OriginalCreator): 佐藤正 ( Tadashi Sato) 制作(Production): Studio Pierrot

| Burning Youth (Burn Attack), 1979 (青春的火焰, 燃えろアタック), TV 71 Episodes Director: 奥中惇夫 Original: 石森章太郎 (Shotaro Ishimori) 漫画原著(Manga Creator): 山田ゴロ (Yamada) Production: Toei TV Broadcast: TV Asahi |
 | Dr. Slump,1981 (阿拉蕾, Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん), TV 243 Episodes Original Manga: Akira Toriyama Director: Minoru Okazaki, Shigeyasu Yamauchi Production: Toei Animation Broadcaster : Fuji TV |
 | Fist of the North Star, 1984 ( 北斗神拳, 北斗の拳), TV 109 Episodes Original Manga : Buronson, Tetsuo Hara Production: Shueisha, Toei Animation |
 | Flower Angel lunlun, 1979 (花仙子, 花の子ルンルン), TV 50 Episodes 原著(OriginalCreator): JINBO Shiro 制作(Production): Toei Animation |
 | Hutch the Honey Bee, 1970 (小蜜蜂, 昆虫物語みなしごハッチ), TV 91 Episodes Original creator : Tatsuo Yoshida Series director : Ippei Kuri Production : Tatsunoko Broadcaster : Family Gekijou, Fuji TV |
 | Ie Naki Ko, 1977 (咪咪流浪记, 家なき子), TV 51 Episodes Original creator : Hector Malot Director : Osamu Dezaki Production : TMS |
 | Ikkyu the Little Monk, 1975 (聪明的一休, 一休さん), TV 295 Episodes Original creator : Hisashi Sakaguchi Director: Hideo Furusawa, Kimio Yabuki, Tetsuo Imazawa Production: Toei Animation Broadcast: TV Asahi |
 | Ironfist Chinmi, 1988 (功夫小子, 鉄拳チンミ), TV 20 Episodes Manga Creator: 前川たけし (Takeshi Maekawa) Production: Ashi Productions |
 | Jankenman, 1991 (正气大侠, ジャンケンマン), TV 51 Episodes Production : Ashi Productions Broadcast: via TV Tokyo Janken is the scissors-paper-stone game. |
| Jungle Emperor Leo, 1965 (森林大地雷欧, ジャングル大帝), TV 52 Episodes Original Creator: Tezuka osamu (手塚治虫) Chief Director: Hayashi Shigeyuki (林重行) Production: Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / Mushi Production Broadcast: via Fuji TV network |
 | Little Women, 1981 (小妇人, 若草物語より 若草の四姉妹), TV 26 Episodes 原著 (Original Creator): Louisa M. Alcott 导演 (Director): Kokusai Eigasha 制作 (Production): Movie International, Inc./ TV Tokyo
 | Magnificent Zorro, The, 1996 (佐罗, 怪傑ゾロ), TV 52 Episodes 系列导演 ( Series director): Katsumi Minoguchi 制作 (Production): Mushi Productions 首播 (Broadcaster): NHK (satellite)
 | Manga Ijin Monogatari, 1977 (名人故事, まんが偉人物語), TV 46 Episodes Production: Group TAC Broadcast: Mainichi Broadcast System (MBS) |
 | Manga Sekai Mukashi Banashi, 1976 (世界名作剧场, まんが世界昔ばなし), TV 127 Episodes Episode Director: Osamu Dezaki, Rintaro Production: DAX Broadcast: Tokyo Broadcast System (TBS) |
 | Manga Sekai Mukashi Banashi Little Princess Sara, 1978 (世界名作剧场 小公主莎拉, まんが世界昔ばなし 小公女セーラ), TV 11 Episodes Episode Director: Osamu Dezaki, Rintaro Production: DAX Broadcast: Tokyo Broadcast System (TBS) |
 | Moby Dick 5, 1980 (大白鲸, ムーの白鯨), TV 26 Episodes Series director : Tetsuo Imazawa Broadcaster : Yomiuri TV Production : Tokyo Movie Shinsha
 | Ninja Boy Rantarou (忍者小子乱太郎, 忍たま乱太郎), TV 683 Episodes Chief Director : Tsutomu Shibayama Animation Production : Asia-Do Broadcaster : NHK |
 | Ninja Boy, 1983 (忍者小英雄, 伊賀野カバ丸), TV 24 Episodes 原著 (Original creator): Yuu Azuki 导演 (Director): Tameo Ogawa 制作 (Production): Group TAC
 | Nutsberry Town, 1990 (蔬果村, チロリン村物语 ), TV 170 Episodes Production: NHK, Studio Junio
 | Record of Lodoss War , 1990 (罗德岛战记, ロードス島戦記), TV 13 Episodes Original story: Hitoshi Yasuda, Ryo Mizuno Production: Kadokawa Shoten, Marubeni, TBS
 | Robin Hood's Big Adventrue, 1990 (罗宾汉大冒险, ロビンフッドの大冒険 ), TV 52 Episodes 原著 (Original Creator): Howard Pyle 制作 (Production): Tatsunoko
首播: Broadcast via BS2, Nippon Housou Kyoukai satellite |
 | Robotech Part III Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, 1982 (太空堡垒, 超時空要塞マクロス), TV 36 Episodes Chief Director : Noburo Ishiguro Animation: Anime Friend, Artland Broadcaster : Mainichi Broadcasting Production: Big West, MBS,Tatsunoko |

 | Ronin Warriors, 1988 ( 魔神坛斗士, 鎧伝サムライトルーパー), TV 39 Episodes Original creator : Hajime Yatate Director : Mamoru Hamazu (eps 20-39), Masashi Ikeda (eps 1-19) Production: Sunrise Broadcaster : Nagoya Broadcasting Network |
 | Saint Seiya, 1986 (圣斗士星失, 聖闘士星矢<セイントセイヤ>), TV 114 Episodes Original Manga : Masami Kurumada Director : Yasuhito Kikuchi Production: Shueisha, Toei Animation Broadcaster : TV Asahi |
 | Secret of Flower Garden, 1991 (神秘花园, アニメ ひみつの花園), TV 39 Episodes 原著 (Original Creator): Frances Hodgson Burnett Series director : Tameo Ogawa Broadcaster : NHK
 | Secret of Blue Water, The, 1990 (蓝宝石之谜, ふしぎの海のナディア), TV 39 Episodes 导演 (Director): Hideaki Anno 制作 (Production): GAINAX 首播 (Broadcaster): NHK
 | Swan Lake 1981 (天鹅湖, 世界名作童話 白鳥の湖) , Movie 75 Minutes 导演 (Director): Koro Yabuki 剧本 (Script): Hirokazu Fuse 音乐 (Music): Peter Tchaikovsky 制作 (Production): Toei Animation
 | Tekkaman Blade, 1992 (宇宙骑士, テッカマンブレード), TV 49 Episodes 原著 (Original creator): Tatsuo Yoshida 导演 (Director): Masami Obari 制作 ( Production): Tatsunoko
 | Three Eyed One, 1990 (三眼神童, 三つ目がとおる), TV 48 Episodes Original Creator: Tezuka Osuma Director: Ueda Hidehito Production: Gakushu Kenkyu Sha / Nikkeisha Inc. / Television Tokyo Channel 12, Ltd. / Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. Broadcast: on Television Tokyo Channel 12 network |
 | Thumbelina 1992 (大拇指公主, おやゆび姫物語), TV 26 Episodes 原著(Original Creator):Hans Christian Andersen 制作(Production):Enoki Films CO.,LTD click here to view more related images. |
 | Triton of the Sea (小飞龙, 海のトリトン), 27 Episodes 原著(Original Creator):手琢治虫(Tezuka Osamu) 制作(Production):Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / Tohoku Shinsha Co., Ltd. 首播:Broadcast via Asahi Broadcasting Network |
 | VOLTRON - DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE, 1981 (战神金刚, 百獣王ゴライオン), TV 52 Episodes Director : Hiroshi Sasagawa, Katsuhiko Taguchi, Kazushi Nomura, Kazuyuki Okaseko Production : Toei Animation
 | Wataru 1988(魔神英雄传,魔神英雄伝ワタル), TV 49 Episodes 原著 (Original Creator): Hajime Yatate |
 | What's Micheal?, 1988 (怪猫迈克, ホワッツマイケル), TV 45 Episodes Original Manga : Makoto Kobayashi Production: Kitty Films, Kodansha, TV Tokyo |
 | White Jaden( Panda and the Magic Serpent) , 1958 (白蛇传, 白蛇伝) Movie 78 Minutes Script : Taiji Yabushita Director: Kazuhiko Okabe, Taiji Yabushita Production: Toei Animation |
 | Wizard of OZ, The, 1986 (绿野仙踪, オズの魔法使い) TV 52 Episode Original story : L. Frank Baum Director : Naisho Tonogawa Production : Panmedia Broadcaster : Tokyo 12 |
 | Wonderful Adventures of Nils, 1980 (尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记, ニルスのふしぎな旅) TV 52 Episodes Original Creator: Selma Lagerlöf Director: Hisayuki Toriumi, Mamoru Oshii Production: Studio Pierrot Broadcaster: NHK |
| My Pet Monster, 1987 (小怪物), TV 13 Episodes Production: Nelvana, LTD., TeleFilm Canada Broadcast: ABC | | Pingu, 1980 (企鹅家族) original Creator: Otmar Gutmann\N\t\t\t\t\t\tCountry: Sweden, Britain | | Popeye (大力水手) original Creator: Elzie Segar Production: Famous Studios | | Popples, The (泡泡熊), 1986, TV 42 Episodes Production: DiC Entertainment, Mad House Ltd. | | Pound Puppies, 1986, TV 13 Episodes Production: Hanna-Barbera Productions Broadcast: ABC | | Raccoons, The, 1985 (浣熊历险记), TV 60 Episodes Director: Kevin Gillis Production: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Evergreen Raccoons Television Productions, Office national du film du Canada (ONF), Téléfilm Canada Broadcast: CBC | | Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty, 1975 (猫人沃尔特), TV 13 Episodes Director: Hal Sutherland Production: Filmation Associates Broadcast: NBC | | She-Ra: Princess of Power, 1985 (希瑞), TV 93 Episodes Production: Filmation Associates, Mattel Inc. | | Smurfs, The, 1981 (蓝精灵), TV 427 Episodes Production: Hanna-Barbera Productions, National Broadcasting Company (NBC) (1981-1990), SEPP International S.A., Wang Company Ltd. | | Snorks, The 1984 (海底小精灵), TV 108 Episodes Chief Director: Carl Urbano Production: Hanna-Barbera Productions | | Star Trek, 1973 (星际旅行), TV 22 Episodes producer: D.C. Fontana Production: Filmation Associates Broadcast: NBC |  | Stories From My childhood, (俄国经典童话动画选集), 14 Movie Series #\N\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Production: films by Jove in association with Soyuzmultfilm Country: Russia | | Teddy Ruxpin, 1987 (华斯比历险记), TV 65 Episodes Director: Chris Schouten Production: DiC Enterprises | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1987 (忍者神龟), TV 193 Episodes Producer: Kara Vallow Production: Murakami-Wolf-Swenson Films Production | | Tex Avery's Cartoon Shorts, 1942\N\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Original Creator: Tex Avery Production: M.G.M | | Transformers, 1984 (变形金刚), TV 98 Episodes Writers: George Arthur Bloom, Donald F. Glut Production: Marvel Productions, Ltd., Hasbro, Inc. |  | Who Framed Roger Rabbit , 1988 (兔子罗杰), Movie 103 Minutes original Book: Gary K. Wolf Director: Robert Zemeckis Production: Touchstone Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Silver Screen Partners III | | Wolf and Hare (Just you wait! ) , 1969 (兔子, 等着瞧), TV 18 Episodes Director: Vjacheslav Kotjonochkin Country: Russia |